About us
To be prepared
- 5.19.2022
- Research achievements have been updated.
- 5.3.2022
- Updated with new lab members.
- 3.10.2021
- Research achievements have been updated.
- 12.21.2020
- Research achievements have been updated.
- 9.24.2019
- The paper entitled “History-Free Sequential Aggregate MAC Revisited” by prof. Hirose and Prof. Shikata was accepted at ProvSec2019 .
- The paper entitled “Quantum-Secure (Non-)Sequential Aggregate Message Authentication Codes” and“SO-CCA secure PKE in the Quantum Random Oracle Model or the Quantum Ideal Cipher Model ” by Sato and Prof. Shikata was accepted at IMACC2019.
- 10.30.2018
- The paper entitled “Non-adaptive Group-Testing Aggregate MAC Schemes” by Prof. Hirose and Prof. Shikata was accepted at ISPEC2018.
- The paper entitled “Generic Construction of Sequential Aggregate MACs from Any MACs” by Sato, Prof. Hirose and Prof. Shikata was accepted at ProvSec2018.
- The paper entitled “Signcryption in the Quantum Random Oracle Model” by Sato and Prof. Shikata was accepted at ProvSec2018.
- 7.30.2018
- The paper entitled “Lower Bounds on Lattice Enumeration with Extreme Pruning” by Yoshinori Aono(NICT), Phong Q. Nguyen(Inria and CNRS, JFLI, Univ. of Tokyo), Takefumi Seito(Bank of Japan) and Prof. Shikata was accepted at CRYPTO 2018.
- 5.18.2018
- Updated Publications.
- The paper entitled “Lattice-based Signcryption without Random Oracles” by Sato and Prof. Shikata was accepted at PQCrypto 2018.
- 2.20.2017
- The paper entitled “Unconditionally Secure Searchable Encryption” by Yoshizawa, Dr. Watanabe(Univ. of Electro-Communications) and Prof. Shikata was accepted at CISS2017.
- The paper entitled “Numerical Analysis of Elias's and Peres's Deterministic Extractors” by Prasitsupparote, Prof. Konno and Prof. Shikata was accepted at CISS2017.
- The paper entitled “Timed-Release Computational Secret Sharing Scheme and Threshold Encryption” by Dr. Watanabe(Univ. of Electro-Communications) and Prof. Shikata was published by Designs, Codes and Cryptography.
- 6.8.2016
- The paper entitled "Unconditionally Secure Revocable Strage: Tight Bounds, Optimal Construction, and Robustness" by Dr. Watanabe(Univ. of Electro-Communications), Dr. Hanaoka(AIST) and Prof. Shikata was accepted at ICITS 2016.
- 3.16.2016
- Tomita presented his paper at CISS 2016.
- 3.7.2016
- Watanabe presented his paper at PKC 2016.
- 1.18.2016
- “Unconditionally Secure Broadcast Encryption Schemes with Trade-offs between Communication and Storage” by Watanabe and Prof. Shikata was published online by IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences.
- 1.12.2016
- “Sequential Aggregate Authentication Codes with Information Theoretic Security” by Tomita, Watanabe and Prof. Shikata was accepted at CISS 2016.
- 12.16.2015
- Goto presented his paper at IMACC 2015.
- 12.14.2015
- “Identity-based Hierarchical Key-insulated Encryption without Random Oracles” by Watanabe and Prof. Shikata was accepted at PKC 2016.
- 11.26.2015
- Watanabe presented his paper at ProvSec 2015.
- 8.31.2015
- “A Compiler of Two-Party Protocols for Composable and Game-Theoretic Security, and Its Application to Oblivious Transfer ” by Goto and Prof. Shikata was accepted at IMACC 2015.
- “Constructions of Unconditionally Secure Broadcast Encryption from Key Predistribution Systems with Trade-offs between Communication and Storage ” by Watanabe and Prof. Shikata was accepted at ProvSec 2015 (as a short paper).
- 6.1.2015
- “Keyword Revocable Searchable Encryption with Trapdoor Exposure Resistance and Re-generateability ” by Watanabe, Keita Emura (NICT), and Le Trieu Phong (NICT) was accepted at TrustCom 2015.
- 4.7.2015
- “Constructions of CCA-secure Revocable Identity-based Encryption ” by Ishida, Watanabe, and Prof. Shikata was accepted at ACISP 2015.
- 4.1.2015
- “Construction of symmetric-key encryption with guessing secrecy” by Prof. Shikata and Prof. Iwamoto (Univ. of Electro-Communications) was accepted at ISIT2015.
- 1.9.2015
- The invited paper entitled “Trends and Development of Information-Theoretic Cryptography” by Prof. Shikata was published online by IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences.
- 10.27.2014
- Watanabe presented his papers at ProvSec 2014 and BalkanCryptSec 2014, respectively.
- 9.17.2014
- “Timed-Release Secret Sharing Schemes with Information Theoretic Security” by Watanabe and Prof. Shikata was accepted at BalkanCryptSec2014
- 8.29.2014
- Watanabe and Prof. Shikata won the best poster award for their poster entitled “Information-Theoretically Secure Revocable-Storage Broadcast Encryption” at IWSEC 2014.
- 8.5.2014
- “Timed-Release Computational Secret Sharing Scheme and Its Applications” by Watanabe and Prof. Shikata was accepted at ProvSec2014 (as a short paper).
- 4.16.2014
- “Secret Sharing Schemes Based on Min-Entropies” by Prof. Shikata and Prof. Iwamoto (Univ. of Electro-Communications) was accepted at ISIT2014.
- 12.19.2013
- Nakano presented his paper at IMACC2013.
- 11.29.2013
- Hajime presented his paper at ICISC2013.
- 11.28.2013
- Prof. Shikata presented his paper at ICITS2013.
- 11.22.2013
- Takei and Watanabe respectively presented their paper at 3rd ISEEE.
- 11.4.2013
- Prof. Shikata and Mr. Watanabe were invited as guest speakers and gave a talk respectively at JSPS-DST Asian Academic Seminar 2013.
- 10.25.2013
- Updated Publications.
- 9.27.2013
- Updated Publications.
- 9.2.2013
- Watanabe presented his paper at MoCrySEn2013 (held in conjunction with ARES2013).
- 7.12.2013
- Prof. Shikata presented his paper at ISIT2013.
- 4.23.2013
- Made websites.